Robert Stolz Viennese Music Society Inc.
Membership Information
Membership types & subscriptions:
- Dual Membership fee is $35 per year,
- Single Membership fee is $25 per year,
- These fees are discounted to $ 30 & $ 20 respectively
if paid via Direct Deposit to RSVMS A/C:
RSVMS Account: BSB: 033-337; A/C No: 249 347; Ref: (eg) 'RSVMS renewal' & 'your name'
- Please notify details to Membership Secretary by email:
- Renewal invitations will be sent to all members.
Note: Dual membership allows for any two adults.
Membership benefits:
- Earlier notifications of forthcoming concerts (usually one week before non-members),
- Invitation to attend and vote at the Society Annual General meeting (usually in May),
- Newsletters (as and when published),
- Discounted admission fees to concerts (usually $ 8 or more per ticket).
For further membership information please contact the Membership Secretary,
Eve Kolar on (03) 9893 3278,